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    Monday, May 14, 2007

    If content is king, shouldn't we start with that?

    As an IPTV affiliate and computer based video provider, I think the most exciting thing about the media boom over the internet is the possibilities that arise from the breakdown of New York and California as media capitals.

    In Toledo, we love to talk about the "Brain Drain", i.e. smart people leaving the region for better culture and job opportunities somewhere else. Well the onset of the internet and the subsequent independent media frenzy that followed is very significant. It will allow cities to take back their media and create communities that truly reflect its citizens. Usually, access to terrestrial television poses little news, commercial, and talent promotion opportunities for cities other that daily news. We all know that most of the daily news for a city is weather!

    Therefore, it is time to start thinking about the type of content that cities in major regions can develop. The possibilities are endless. Music Videos, News Programs, Independent shows, Small Business videos, etc.

    I hope that you work with us to build a program or commercial that represents your talents and your ideas. I also hope that this opportunity will allow people in the Toledo Community to take a great role in this new media landscape. Our mission is to create media for a changing world, and we hope to change things in Toledo.

    The G1NTOL Guy

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